Monday, July 2, 2018

Memority an Encrypted Decentralized Cloud Storage of Valuable Data

At the moment, the problem of reliable and convenient way of data storage is very relevant in the world. Besides application in the financial field, blockchain-based encrypted decentralized information storage technology can be used for long-term storage of secure data, with protection from modification, deletion or unpermitted viewing.

What is Memority

  • Memority is a blockchain-based platform for encrypted decentralized cloud storage of valuable data.

Memority Mission

Memority’s mission is to create a self-sufficient ecosystem that includes many applications to meet the needs of businesses, government organizations and individuals in the ultra-secure storage of all kinds of valuable data.

Why Memority

  • Data owner: can store data in an encrypted form in a decentralized and completely secure manner, paying for the storage with MMR tokens. Also, he can provide his disk space for data of other users, becoming a hoster, and receive tokens to pay for the stored data.
  • Hoster: can receive MMR tokens for providing their disk space to users of the Memority platform to store their data.
  • Third-party developers: will be able to implement their ideas and create their own applications, using the infrastructure of Memority, and receiving MMR tokens for this.
  • Miner: receives rewards in the form of MMR tokens for supporting the working capacity of blockchain executing their authority (only 10,000 or more token owners can become miners).

The Platform

  • The platform includes a collection of independent repositories from around the world, which are based on computers of users who have provided a part of the memory of their hard drives for file storage.
  • The platform uses Proof of Authority, so the computing power is irrelevant to the process of blocks creation and will not increase with time. This is substituted with miner’s authority that they prove by having a large stake in the system. Therefore, a limited number of tokens is issued, and mining commissions will be charged when paying for file storage.

High Degree of Data Security

  • 10 copies are created for each of the stored files, integrity and authenticity of which are constantly monitored.
  • If the number of file copies is insufficient or the copies have been forged, new copies of the original file are automatically created for new hosters.
    The processes for verifying availability, authenticity and recovery of files are independent from the file owner and will work autonomously as long as the files storage in the system is paid for.
  • Data security is ensured by encrypting the file when it is loaded into the system with a private key, which is stored only by the data owner. Access to the content of the data is possible only with the help of this private key.
  • Unique hash identifiers of data are stored in a blockchain database, so it is impossible to delete files, to forge them, or to forge information about storing files.


Memority API allows third-party developers to create desktop and online applications for decentralized encrypted storage of various types of data without a lengthy investigation into the technical details of blockchain technology. Developers are rewarded with 5% of payments for all stored files uploaded through their applications.
The creation of new applications will trigger the popularization of Memority, and an even greater influx of hosters and users, which will positively affect the work of the platform.

Author of article:
✅Bitcointalk username: Erik_Smuel
✅Bitcointalk profile link:;u=2020517

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